For healthcare professionals, sending and receiving files securely is challenging and inconvenient when dealing with snail mail, fax machines, efax accounts, secure email, or online software portals. These old ways of transferring files puts patient information at risk, as well as other confidential information like medical advances, research breakthroughs or medical records.
In this blog, we’ve identified three key issues and critical topics facing healthcare professionals today.

Issue #1
We frequently see issues sending PHI via fax to other healthcare organizations. It’s very time-consuming and frankly, this error-prone process leads to possible HIPAA violations. In fact, 73% of healthcare organizations today use fax to transmit PHI outside the organization. The healthcare industry is screaming to eliminate the fax machine, and the digital footprint it leaves behind permanently.
So what about logging into an account or app to transfer information? When we ask a customer, prospect or patient to log into a system they’ve never used before and will never use again, there is a 70% drop off rate. Unfortunately, introducing a new account or application tarnishes the patient experience.
Issue #2
Physicians are incredibly busy, which makes it nearly impossible to follow every single rule and regulation as it relates to compliance and efficiency. Because of this, healthcare professionals may look towards unsecure workarounds which include sending patient information via cell phone, Slack, Skype, etc.
While calls, texts and skype may seem like a small act, the problem here is that there are malware issues that have the ability to intercept and access email, and there are sim swapping scams that allow bad actors to access and read text messages. This immediately puts your patient's information and your facility at risk.
Issue #3
The third and final area we see organizations having problems is sending data to outside vendors. These processes tend to be very manual and prone to errors. Frequently, we see professionals go to applications like WinZip or FTP to complete the transfer. The software is difficult to manage, labor-intensive, and doesn’t provide an audit trail.
The root issue in healthcare is convenience as it relates to doctors, patients and administrative staff (operations) and the pushback from IT and security.
The Botdoc Way
Botdoc is the first ever easy, remote, and secure file transport service that works via text messaging and email with end-to-end encryption. Our solution is always simple to use because the patient experience and facility security is everything to us. With Botdoc, you’ll close transactions at least 50% faster with no pins, no passwords, no logins, no accounts, no apps, and no software to download.
To get started today, simply schedule a demo below.