“Data Breaches Exposing Customer Driver’s Licenses….”
“Healthcare to Become a Major Player With Increases in Data Breaches”
“Find Out if Your Information was Exposed”
“Hackers Leak User Data”
These real-time headlines indicate the plethora of ransomware attacks occurring daily across the cyber world. In the COVID-19 era and beyond, the stark increase in remote work has been a learning curve for employees and employers across various industries. The work-from-home course of action in response to the need for social distancing kept many businesses afloat during the heights of a worldwide pandemic. Unfortunately, it has also left the door wide open for hackers to socially engineer opportunities for access to IT databases at weak points, thus critically compromising sensitive information held within the targeted databases. Let’s look deeper into what’s at risk when we transfer sensitive data and how Botdoc can effectively eliminate the weak points of file transfer, reducing the chances a hacker can gain entry into your organization’s files and information.
Company loyalty and culture at stake
No matter the good long-term standing of a company, one bad review can deter new business and derail previous customer confidence, quickly transforming it into doubt. The negative attention received after a data breach garners much more than one bad review, which can slow business indefinitely. Loyalty to a brand can fade rapidly and affect a company’s bottom line, eating away at profits and the ability to recover from a cybersecurity attack.
Human nature is to blame, to find a reason for any given circumstance. With a data breach of personal information, employees may blame and lose trust in leadership or IT security, leading to disgruntled employees and even resignations. A company culture that once fostered collaboration and motivation could lose all forward momentum, changing trajectories that are nearly impossible to correct.
High stakes keep getting higher
The stakes have never been higher regarding the secure digital transportation (Sharing Versus Sending...a Difference) of sensitive data. While the government has imposed regulatory requirements to bolster cybersecurity across all industries, the costs to do so are astounding, accounting for up to 40% of the cybersecurity budget of a single company to remain in compliance. The reality is that if your company is out of compliance with the rules and regulations set by government entities like healthcare or banking, then you are at risk of being hacked. In addition to non-compliance fees, a company may find itself at the center of a data breach - the average cost of which is $4.35 million, up 2.6% from 2021. Additionally, cybersecurity premiums, which are already astronomical to combat the modern sophistication of hackers, will unquestionably increase.
And higher
Even though rare, the consequences of a cybersecurity breach can be financially and legally devastating. A data breach frequently results in identity theft; therefore, if found intentional, employees who expose an organization to a security breach could face jail time for aggravated identity theft - a prison term of two years. Violations of HIPAA or Sarbanes-Oxley Act regulations can also result in hefty monetary fines or prison charges.
Protect and defend
Stay ahead of security breaches by fortifying your cybersecurity defenses. Know your company’s risk, and mitigate it by complying with federal and state cybersecurity regulations. Know the technology you need for the services you provide. Do you employ a sharing technology for sending needs, opening your organization up to attacks unnecessarily?
The Botdoc Way
Botdoc offers solutions for data transportation that reduce the risks of the cybersecurity breaches mentioned above. It’s the first-ever easy, remote, and secure file transport service that works via text messaging and email with end-to-end encryption. Our solution is always simple because the customer’s experience and your company’s security is our priority. With Botdoc, you’ll close transactions at least 50% faster with no pins, passwords, logins, accounts, apps, or software to download. Best of all, it requires minimal effort to merge with existing systems and processes within your organization.